OrderedMultiDictionary.View Methods

Wintellect PowerCollections

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public class View
Visual Basic (Declaration)
<SerializableAttribute> _
Public Class View
Visual C++
public ref class View

The OrderedMultiDictionary<(Of <TKey, TValue>)> generic type exposes the following methods.

Public Methods

Public methodAddOverloaded.
Public methodAddMany

Adds new values to be associated with a key. If duplicate values are permitted, this method always adds new key-value pairs to the dictionary.

If duplicate values are not permitted, and key already has a value equal to one of values associated with it, then that value is replaced, and the number of values associate with key is unchanged.

(Inherited from MultiDictionaryBase<(Of <TKey, TValue>)>.)
Public methodAsReadOnly
Provides a read-only view of this collection. The returned ICollection<T> provides a view of the collection that prevents modifications to the collection. Use the method to provide access to the collection without allowing changes. Since the returned object is just a view, changes to the collection will be reflected in the view.
(Inherited from CollectionBase<(Of <T>)>.)
Public methodClear
Removes all the keys and values within this view from the underlying OrderedMultiDictionary.
(Overrides MultiDictionaryBase<(Of <TKey, TValue>)>..::Clear()().)
Public methodContainsOverloaded.
Public methodContainsKey
Tests if the key is present in the part of the dictionary being viewed.
(Overrides MultiDictionaryBase<(Of <TKey, TValue>)>..::ContainsKey(TKey).)
Public methodConvertAll<(Of <TOutput>)>
Convert this collection of items by applying a delegate to each item in the collection. The resulting enumeration contains the result of applying converter to each item in this collection, in order.
(Inherited from CollectionBase<(Of <T>)>.)
Public methodCopyTo
Copies all the items in the collection into an array. Implemented by using the enumerator returned from GetEnumerator to get all the items and copy them to the provided array.
(Inherited from CollectionBase<(Of <T>)>.)
Public methodCountWhere
Counts the number of items in the collection that satisfy the condition defined by predicate.
(Inherited from CollectionBase<(Of <T>)>.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodExists
Determines if the collection contains any item that satisfies the condition defined by predicate.
(Inherited from CollectionBase<(Of <T>)>.)
Public methodFindAll
Enumerates the items in the collection that satisfy the condition defined by predicate.
(Inherited from CollectionBase<(Of <T>)>.)
Public methodForEach
Performs the specified action on each item in this collection.
(Inherited from CollectionBase<(Of <T>)>.)
Public methodGetEnumerator
Enumerate all the keys in the dictionary, and for each key, the collection of values for that key.
(Inherited from MultiDictionaryBase<(Of <TKey, TValue>)>.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode()() is suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodRemoveOverloaded.
Public methodRemoveAll
Removes all the items in the collection that satisfy the condition defined by predicate.
(Inherited from CollectionBase<(Of <T>)>.)
Public methodRemoveManyOverloaded.
Public methodReplace
Replaces all values associated with key with the single value value.
(Inherited from MultiDictionaryBase<(Of <TKey, TValue>)>.)
Public methodReplaceMany
Replaces all values associated with key with a new collection of values. If the collection does not permit duplicate values, and values has duplicate items, then only the last of duplicates is added.
(Inherited from MultiDictionaryBase<(Of <TKey, TValue>)>.)
Public methodReversed
Creates a new View that has the same keys and values as this, in the reversed order.
Public methodToArray
Creates an array of the correct size, and copies all the items in the collection into the array, by calling CopyTo.
(Inherited from CollectionBase<(Of <T>)>.)
Public methodToString
Shows the string representation of the dictionary. The string representation contains a list of the mappings in the dictionary.
(Inherited from MultiDictionaryBase<(Of <TKey, TValue>)>.)
Public methodTrueForAll
Determines if all of the items in the collection satisfy the condition defined by predicate.
(Inherited from CollectionBase<(Of <T>)>.)

Protected Methods

Protected methodCountAllValues
Gets a total count of values in the collection. This default implementation is slow; it enumerates all of the keys in the dictionary and calls CountValues on each. A derived class may be able to supply a more efficient implementation.
(Inherited from MultiDictionaryBase<(Of <TKey, TValue>)>.)
Protected methodCountValues
Gets the number of values associated with a given key.
(Overrides MultiDictionaryBase<(Of <TKey, TValue>)>..::CountValues(TKey).)
Protected methodEnumerateKeys
Enumerate all the keys in the dictionary.
(Overrides MultiDictionaryBase<(Of <TKey, TValue>)>..::EnumerateKeys()().)
Protected methodEqualValues
If the derived class does not use the default comparison for values, this methods should be overridden to compare two values for equality. This is used for the correct implementation of ICollection.Contains on the Values and KeyValuePairs collections.
(Inherited from MultiDictionaryBase<(Of <TKey, TValue>)>.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodTryEnumerateValuesForKey
Enumerate all of the values associated with a given key. If the key exists and has values associated with it, an enumerator for those values is returned throught values. If the key does not exist, false is returned.
(Overrides MultiDictionaryBase<(Of <TKey, TValue>)>..::TryEnumerateValuesForKey(TKey, IEnumerator<(Of <TValue>)>%).)

Explicit Interface Implementations

Explicit interface implemetationPrivate methodIDictionary<(Of <TKey, ICollection<(Of <TValue>)>>)>..::Add (Inherited from MultiDictionaryBase<(Of <TKey, TValue>)>.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate methodIDictionary<(Of <TKey, ICollection<(Of <TValue>)>>)>..::TryGetValue (Inherited from MultiDictionaryBase<(Of <TKey, TValue>)>.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate methodICollection..::CopyTo
Copies all the items in the collection into an array. Implemented by using the enumerator returned from GetEnumerator to get all the items and copy them to the provided array.
(Inherited from CollectionBase<(Of <T>)>.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate methodIEnumerable..::GetEnumerator
Provides an IEnumerator that can be used to iterate all the members of the collection. This implementation uses the IEnumerator<T> that was overridden by the derived classes to enumerate the members of the collection.
(Inherited from CollectionBase<(Of <T>)>.)

See Also